Environment and Community


Bangkok and Lopburi, Thailand

COVID-19 Relief Projects in 2020

About this project

In view of the coronavirus (COVID-19) impact on healthcare and the hardships faced by communities, the IVL Foundation supported the following projects: 

• A donation of one million Baht each was provided to support COVID-19 medical treatment through the “Special Fund Project to Prevent and Help Resolve the COVID-19 outbreak” of Ramathibodi Foundation and to the “Covid-19 Relief Fund” of King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital. These donations contributed to COVID-19 patient treatment and the purchase of medical equipment to support the medical team.

• The IVL Foundation donated 500,000 Baht to support the Duang Prateep Foundation’s activities to fight for the well-being of people living in the Klong Toei Community during the Covid-19 pandemic. The fund was used for installing disinfectant equipment at the entrance of the community, and providing bags of essential supplies to 300 families impacted by unemployment. The Duang Prateep Foundation also created temporary two-month jobs for 25 people who were hired to cook food and distribute hygienic necessities to elderly and disabled residents, as well as children in the community. 

• The IVL Foundation along with AsiaPet (Thailand) Limited, Indorama Polymers Public Company Limited, Petform (Thailand) Limited and Indorama Holdings Ltd. provided sets of essential supplies for 300 families in Tha Klong Subdistrict and 300 families in Khao Samo Kon Subdistrict, Lopburi in April and May respectively.  

• The IVL Foundation donated 300 sets of essential supplies to homeless people and communities in Phra Nakon District to help relieving their hardship impacted by unemployment and economic setbacks during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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