Environment and Community


Bangkok, Thailand

Scientific Equipment for Two BMA Schools

(In partnership with
Joint Foreign Chambers of Commerce in Thailand )

About this project

The Kaen Thong Uppatham School and Matthayom Suwitserianusorn School are schools under the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA) in Prawet District. The schools opened to support underprivileged children from difficult family conditions. The schools are facing the problem of insufficient educational infrastructure especially scientific equipment.

The schools reached out to the JFCCT and the IVL Foundation for support. The science teachers in both schools conducted several science experiments such as fertilizer composting, mushroom cultivation, fish and frog farming, vegetable farming and agriproduct processing to aspire the students to continue with full-time education and earning extra allowance. The product of the experiments (fertilizer, dried fish, organic tea, and mushroom) are sold to the parents, the people in their communities and visitors. After perceiving the determination and commitment from the students and teachers, the IVL Foundation decided to provide them with the appropriate scientific equipment which will help to increase the productivity from the schools’ current science experiments which in turn will increase the revenue.

On December 16, 2020, the IVL Foundation handed over the scientific equipment to Kaen Thong Uppatham School and Matthayom Suwitserianusorn School. The ceremony was attended by Deputy Director of Department of Education, Prawet District, 15 representatives from 10 BMA schools, three representatives from JFCCT and three IVL Foundation office bearers.

The Soil Organic Matter Test Kit was one of the equipment that the IVL Foundation donated. The students were very eager to use the kit to improve soil which will make plants grow better. This kit will make learning and experiment much easier for all students.

Fertilizer Composting

Dried Catfish

Handover of Scientific Equipment

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